An AOutside-the-box@ Article by Joe Zug
Copyright © 2007, Joe Zug, Mind Skills Institute, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT

“Things Are Never What They Seem.” is a principle that has a much broader relevance than the single application presented in the last edition of this newsletter. In that edition, the focus was on the games of materiality and spirituality being played at the same time on the same 3-dimensional court. Seemingly, in this 3-dimensional world, “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” and that’s all there is to life in this world. That article suggested that there is always more to an event, experience, idea, statement or thought than what it “appears” to be. We do, indeed, live in a multi-dimensional world and to recognize, understand, experience and be satisfied with only one of its dimensions would be a terrible tragedy. Today it is considered naïve, unwise or foolish to accept a single medical diagnosis as final without getting at least a second opinion.
As you read and consider this principle that has multi-dimensional possibilities, can you think of examples in your own experiences that validate it? How often do you notice that there is something more as well as more important about things than how they initially appeared to you? Do you consciously ask yourself, “What truth, reality, principle or message lies behind the thing I am noticing with only my 5 senses”? If you habitually used this question, would you experience more spiritual insights as you live your life, moment to moment? Would your habit for questing for the spiritual significance behind each of your 3-dimendional experiences propel you closer and closer to your personal, spiritual ascension? If you believe that your use of this simple question would promote your ascension, then please begin developing this habit!
In order to encourage you to develop your habitual use of this question, let’s explore some of the varied aspects of this profound principle that “Things are never what they seem.”
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“There is always more that is available than is apparent.
When the apparent satisfies, the available escapes.”*
“There is always more gold underground than is on the surface.”
To quest or not to quest for more; that is this question.
“Too many people are too satisfied too soon with too little.”*
Some dogmatically defend their current beliefs rather than adjust and expand them to include more.
Beliefs create boxes. Boxes create comfort zones.
Comfort zones provide protection while also limiting our lives.
Beliefs put us in boxes and place those boxes on some landing on the staircase of eternal progression.
Beliefs treated as way-stations serve us well, but treated as destinations – they damn our progress.
It seems wiser to say, “At my current level of understanding about this topic, I believe that....”
“Opportunities often offer themselves to me,
but not finding a prepared place to lie,
they each eventually pass me by.”*
“Opportunities beyond the obvious demand that I first decide to discover them.”
“Expecting some particular thing is the very best way of recognizing it when it appears.”
“Awareness of alternatives provides me with access to the success I seek.”
“Questioning (asking), studying (seeking) and experimenting (knocking)
are my awareness-producing activities.”
“Anything of value will stand the test of being questioned.
Anything of lesser or no value will continue to stand, if not questioned.”*
To question or not to question my current beliefs; that is this question.
“Perspective offers answers.
Eternal perspective offers ultimate answers.”*
“Progression is possible at every point along that unending continuum that we call eternity.
There will always be a series of continuing opportunities to progress.
To be satisfied at any level of my progress is to deny myself the development that eternity yet offers.”
“I am a questing creature.
I have an aspiration to acquire, an ambition to achieve,
a craving to comprehend, a desire to discover, a faith to find,
a goal to grow, a hope to have, a longing to learn, a need to know,
a passion to progress, a thirst for truth, an urge to understand.
All these feelings are evidence of my infinite potential for progress.”*
* Excerpts #31, 395, 376, 23, 474, 446, and 399 respectively from my book, Zugisms: Truths As Tools For Personal Growth, that presents 777 similar, quotable comments in 45 categories.
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The conciseness of the statements above, suggests that you will observe their additional, deeper meaning or message for you only if you invest some time in consciously contemplating each one of them in the context of your own current life situation. Almost always, accessing additional insights comes only from intentionally questing for them and then expecting them to emerge.
To those on the path of enlightenment, this 3-dimensional world is often referred to as the world of illusions. To the 5 senses, this world appears to be real. In the context of the multiple-dimensions of the cosmos, this world creates the illusion of reality by “appearing” real. Cosmic realities appear to us only when we have, in some sense, transcended the exclusive use of our 5 senses.
According to the Law of Discovery, we will receive answers only after we ask our questions, we will find solutions only after we have begun to seek them and we will receive revelations only after we begin to take implementing actions. These three causes have directly related effects.
The Law of Discovery represents only three of the 30 Principles of Intelligence that have been revealed to me as originating on this planet during the age of the Lemurians. During some of my lifetimes as a Lemurian, I taught and practiced these principles. I have been made aware that I also taught and practiced these principles during my various lifetimes as an Atlantean, as a Mayan and as an American Indian. In this lifetime, these same principles emerged within my consciousness at a time even before I recognized that I was on some sort of path of spiritual awakening.
It was during my teaching career that I isolated these principles in order to help my students study and think more efficiently and effectively. (Note, that at that time I thought I knew what I was doing only to discover much later that there was a much more comprehensive and higher purpose that was really involved.)
To isolate these principles, I did no “re-search” – only “search.” I studied nothing that others had written on the subject. I only searched within by asking myself questions about the possible ways for understanding something. During this quest for principles or immutable laws that govern the process of understanding, this “Law of Discovery” unfolded to my consciousness. As I expanded upon Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” admonition to “ask and ye shall receive,” I was flooded with insights about questions. At that point I completely dropped my quest for developing a complete list of Principles of Intelligence and I wrote/channelled a 23 chapter book about questions, Questions: Tools of the Mind. (Again, I thought I wrote it. Later, I realized that it must have been channelled because of its exquisite, profound nature.)
Only recently, because of the unique way in which these principles came to me, I have become aware that throughout my lifetimes I have been a custodian of these profound principles that govern the functioning of consciousness both within and beyond the 3 dimensions of this illusory world of time and space. I now recognize that this is again my role in this incarnation. For several years I have taught these 30 principles in workshops, but only for use within this 3-dimensional world. More recently I have been successfully practicing them in expanding my consciousness in the metaphysical realms – and they work!!!
Those on the path of spiritual enlightenment often shun anything associated with the intellect or mind. They tend to associate the mind with merely mortal matters. It seems that this is because many writers of metaphysical literature have unintentionally created confusion by referring to the mind and ego as interchangeable terms. The mind is simply a tool that can be effectively used by either the ego or the Higher Self. The mind is frequently associated only with the ego, but only because the ego almost constantly occupies center stage in our minds. The mind has therefore been tainted with inferiority because it is so frequently seen in association with the ego.
In most people, it is only during brief interludes that our Higher Self ever gets an opportunity to use our minds. Thus, a superficial inquiry into these relationships between the mind, ego and Higher Self leaves us to believe that the Higher Self is not involved with the mind at all. During fleeting epiphanies or revelations, we get flashes of insight that transcend the capacity of our mind. The mind then begins one of its jobs by digesting that insight in order for us to be able to communicate it into the minds of others.
In the Great, Grand Plan of Creation, the mind was created/designed to analyze and synthesize (left-brain/right-brain) information in particular ways. These Lemurian Principles of Intelligence are simply the labels and explanations for how these particular mental approaches process and lead us to understand information. Additionally, the Lemurian Principles of Wisdom are tools for effectively applying that information in order to achieve particular, desired results.
Yes, more is available! But to most effectively apply that which is made available to us, we must wisely and purposefully use these universally applicable, Lemurian, mental tools. When we use the Lemurian Principles of Intelligence and the Lemurian Principles of Wisdom with loving intention and aligned purpose, we can maximize our contributions as lightworkers to the unfoldment of the scheduled, planetary experience of Universal Oneness, The Golden Age, Nirvana, Shangri La, Shambala, Paradise, Heaven on Earth….
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