1. God is AAll That Is.@
$ God created all that is out of AAll That Is.@
$ God created all that is by creative thinking or imagination.
$ God manifested God=s self in the various forms found in AAll That Is.@
2. God always wants to experience Athe highest good for >All That Is=.@
$ Physical expansion is God=s plan for the Universe (big bang theory).
$ Personal progression through experience is God=s plan for human beings.
$ Positive human desires reflect God=s intentions.
$ If you have a positive desire for something, God is wanting to experience it as you.
3. Quantum particles are the smallest unit found in AAll That Is@ throughout the Universe.
$ Quantum particles shift between being particles and wave forms of energy.
$ Quantum particles are perfectly obedient to God=s commands.
$ Human desires, expectations, intentions, imaginations, affirmations, proclamations and requests (whether positive or negative) are interpreted by quantum particles to be commands from God.
4. God=s method for manifesting or creating is imagination.
$ AGod created man in his own imagination.@ (yet the Bible says “image”)
$ Everything God created was first created spiritually and then physically.
$ Everything man creates begins as a thought or image in someone’s mind.
5. Your ego thinks it is who you really are.
$ Ego maintains its supremacy in your consciousness by AEdging God Out.@
$ Ego believes AIt is all about me.@
$ Ego identifies itself with your mind.
6. Mindfulness is awareness at the level of one=s ego.
$ Ego reminds itself of its own existence by constantly occupying the mind.
$ Ego functions from fear and survival.
$ Ego fears losing control and fears its own death or destruction.
$ Ego awareness dwells on fear-based thoughts about the past and the future.
7. Your soul/Higher Self/God-self is who you really are.
$ Your Higher Self has all the qualities of God or All That Is.
$ Your Higher Self is God=s way of manifesting God=s self.
$ As your Higher Self you have all the creative capacities of God, the Creator.
8. Consciousness is awareness at the level of one=s soul/Higher Self/God-self.
$ Consciousness is a state of being or an awareness of who you really are.
$ To be unconscious is to be centered in your mind or ego at that moment.
$ To be Apresent@ is to be centered as your Higher Self at that moment.
9. God=s gift of creativity to mankind operates in man at both the level of the ego and the Higher Self.
$ To your ego, the mind is who you are in this world which is the only world it knows.
$ To your Higher Self, the mind is a tool for relating things to this world from higher worlds.
$ Mental activity is the method by which creativity/manifestation occurs.
$ Ego=s mental activity tends to be negative, externally focused and disempowering.
$ Higher Self=s mental activity reflects a positive, can-do attitude and knowingness.
10. Your mind cannot distinguish between a memory of an actual event and an imagined event.
$ Ego=s personal perceptions cause events to be uniquely remembered.
$ Ego=s memories of events can be revised through Are-framing@ or imagination.
11. Intentional thoughts create or attract that which your attention is focused on.
$ AAs a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.@
$ You are who you think you are.
$ AIf you think you can, you can. If you think you can=t, you can=t.@
$ Whether positive or negative, whatever you seek, you will find.
$ AWhatever you focus on expands.@
$ Intentional thoughts can be effectively employed by your ego or by your Higher Self.
12. Unintentional thoughts create from the level of ego by default.
$ Past perceptions and their resulting memories are essentially negative.
$ Present creations are never more nor better than your memories of past perceptions.
$ You are always at the mercy of your younger, weaker, negative, ego-based self.
$ Habits keep you cycling through the same old stuff that you have always experienced.
13. Human mental activities attract quantum particles/possibilities into physical form.
$ Mental activities attract that which they are focused on.
$ Positive thoughts and self-talk about your desires will attract them.
$ Spoken affirmations, proclamations, requests and commands attract desired results.
$ Visualizations, imaginations and wakeful dreaming also influence quantum particles.
14. Human emotion gives greater attracting power to conscious attitudes, beliefs, desires, intentions and
$ Positive emotions/feelings associated with your desires will attract them.
$ Negative emotions/feelings associated with your desires will drive them away.
$ Heightened positive emotions/feelings will bring results faster and more surely.
15. To manifest and experience something for yourself you must identify yourself with it.
$ God experienced God=s self only by becoming a creator in the form of man.
$ God created man by becoming man.
$ God=s creation did not end with the creation of man B it continues through man.
$ A desire to manifest things is really a desire to experience yourself as a manifester.
$ Manifesting is really only a means for experiencing your God-like Self.
$ To more positively, consistently and successfully manifest things you must shift out of being your ego and into being your Higher Self.
16. Manifest your desires Afrom@ a point in time after you have manifested your desire.
$ Avoid manifesting what you Aneed@ in order to eliminate a Alack.@
$ To ask, beg, plead, hope, expect is to place the fulfillment sometime in the future.
$ Manifest Awith the end in mind.@
$ Manifest Afrom@ the position in time of already having what you desire.
$ Consciousness of yourself already having the desired result is what manifests it.
$ Go in consciousness to the end and look at life from that perspective.
$ Think, feel and live in your mind=s eye from the desired end.
17. Manifest your desires Afrom@ your identity as who you already and really are.
$ To live from is to assume the identity of one who successfully manifests desires.
$ Believe that you are already an experienced and successful manifester of your desires.
$ Assume the role of one who has already manifested what you desired.
$ Go to this identity in order to most certainly manifest your desires.
$ To live from is to assume the central role of causing or creating the result.
$ To live from is to experience all the feelings associated with the manifested result.
$ Act, think and feel as you would if you had already manifested what you desired.
$ To live toward is to expect to become the recipient of the resulting manifestation.
$ To live toward is to assume a secondary role in manifesting your desires.
$ To live toward the result is to be conscious of not having the result now.
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