Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New DVD by Joe Zug

"2012:  God's Planned Shift (GPS) 
in Our Consciousness"

A 2-hour presentation that explains the upcoming events of 2012 
in the context of:
The Mayan Calendar, Quantum Physics, 
Bible Scriptures & Prophecies and the Cosmos

 See Previews At:



Order Your Copy At:


#4 Yes, More is Available

An AOutside-the-box@ Article by Joe Zug
Copyright © 2007, Joe Zug, Mind Skills Institute, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT

“Things Are Never What They Seem.” is a principle that has a much broader relevance than the single application presented in the last edition of this newsletter.  In that edition, the focus was on the games of materiality and spirituality being played at the same time on the same 3-dimensional court.  Seemingly, in this 3-dimensional world, “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” and that’s all there is to life in this world.  That article suggested that there is always more to an event, experience, idea, statement or thought than what it “appears” to be.  We do, indeed, live in a multi-dimensional world and to recognize, understand, experience and be satisfied with only one of its dimensions would be a terrible tragedy.  Today it is considered naïve, unwise or foolish to accept a single medical diagnosis as final without getting at least a second opinion.

As you read and consider this principle that has multi-dimensional possibilities, can you think of examples in your own experiences that validate it?  How often do you notice that there is something more as well as more important about things than how they initially appeared to you?  Do you consciously ask yourself, “What truth, reality, principle or message lies behind the thing I am noticing with only my 5 senses”?  If you habitually used this question, would you experience more spiritual insights as you live your life, moment to moment?  Would your habit for questing for the spiritual significance behind each of your 3-dimendional experiences propel you closer and closer to your personal, spiritual ascension?  If you believe that your use of this simple question would promote your ascension, then please begin developing this habit! 

In order to encourage you to develop your habitual use of this question, let’s explore some of the varied aspects of this profound principle that “Things are never what they seem.”
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“There is always more that is available than is apparent.
When the apparent satisfies, the available escapes.”*
“There is always more gold underground than is on the surface.”
To quest or not to quest for more; that is this question.

“Too many people are too satisfied too soon with too little.”*
Some dogmatically defend their current beliefs rather than adjust and expand them to include more.
Beliefs create boxes. Boxes create comfort zones.
Comfort zones provide protection while also limiting our lives.
Beliefs put us in boxes and place those boxes on some landing on the staircase of eternal progression.
Beliefs treated as way-stations serve us well, but treated as destinations – they damn our progress.
It seems wiser to say, “At my current level of understanding about this topic, I believe that....”

“Opportunities often offer themselves to me,
but not finding a prepared place to lie,
they each eventually pass me by.”*
“Opportunities beyond the obvious demand that I first decide to discover them.”
“Expecting some particular thing is the very best way of recognizing it when it appears.”

“Awareness of alternatives provides me with access to the success I seek.”
“Questioning (asking), studying (seeking) and experimenting (knocking)
are my awareness-producing activities.”

“Anything of value will stand the test of being questioned.
Anything of lesser or no value will continue to stand, if not questioned.”*
To question or not to question my current beliefs; that is this question.

“Perspective offers answers.
Eternal perspective offers ultimate answers.”*
“Progression is possible at every point along that unending continuum that we call eternity.
There will always be a series of continuing opportunities to progress.
To be satisfied at any level of my progress is to deny myself the development that eternity yet offers.”

“I am a questing creature.
I have an aspiration to acquire, an ambition to achieve,
 a craving to comprehend, a desire to discover, a faith to find,
a goal to grow, a hope to have, a longing to learn, a need to know,
a passion to progress, a thirst for truth, an urge to understand.
All these feelings are evidence of my infinite potential for progress.”*

*              Excerpts #31, 395, 376, 23, 474, 446, and 399 respectively from my book, Zugisms:  Truths As Tools For Personal Growth, that presents 777 similar, quotable comments in 45 categories.

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The conciseness of the statements above, suggests that you will observe their additional, deeper meaning or message for you only if you invest some time in consciously contemplating each one of them in the context of your own current life situation.  Almost always, accessing additional insights comes only from intentionally questing for them and then expecting them to emerge.

To those on the path of enlightenment, this 3-dimensional world is often referred to as the world of illusions.  To the 5 senses, this world appears to be real.  In the context of the multiple-dimensions of the cosmos, this world creates the illusion of reality by “appearing” real.  Cosmic realities appear to us only when we have, in some sense, transcended the exclusive use of our 5 senses.

According to the Law of Discovery, we will receive answers only after we ask our questions, we will find solutions only after we have begun to seek them and we will receive revelations only after we begin to take implementing actions.  These three causes have directly related effects.

The Law of Discovery represents only three of the 30 Principles of Intelligence that have been revealed to me as originating on this planet during the age of the Lemurians.  During some of my lifetimes as a Lemurian, I taught and practiced these principles.  I have been made aware that I also taught and practiced these principles during my various lifetimes as an Atlantean, as a Mayan and as an American Indian.  In this lifetime, these same principles emerged within my consciousness at a time even before I recognized that I was on some sort of path of spiritual awakening. 

It was during my teaching career that I isolated these principles in order to help my students study and think more efficiently and effectively. (Note, that at that time I thought I knew what I was doing only to discover much later that there was a much more comprehensive and higher purpose that was really involved.) 

To isolate these principles, I did no “re-search” – only “search.”  I studied nothing that others had written on the subject.  I only searched within by asking myself questions about the possible ways for understanding something.  During this quest for principles or immutable laws that govern the process of understanding, this “Law of Discovery” unfolded to my consciousness.  As I expanded upon Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” admonition to “ask and ye shall receive,” I was flooded with insights about questions.  At that point I completely dropped my quest for developing a complete list of Principles of Intelligence and I wrote/channelled a 23 chapter book about questions, Questions: Tools of the Mind. (Again, I thought I wrote it.  Later, I realized that it must have been channelled because of its exquisite, profound nature.)

Only recently, because of the unique way in which these principles came to me, I have become aware that throughout my lifetimes I have been a custodian of these profound principles that govern the functioning of consciousness both within and beyond the 3 dimensions of this illusory world of time and space.  I now recognize that this is again my role in this incarnation.  For several years I have taught these 30 principles in workshops, but only for use within this 3-dimensional world.  More recently I have been successfully practicing them in expanding my consciousness in the metaphysical realms – and they work!!!

Those on the path of spiritual enlightenment often shun anything associated with the intellect or mind.  They tend to associate the mind with merely mortal matters.  It seems that this is because many writers of metaphysical literature have unintentionally created confusion by referring to the mind and ego as interchangeable terms.  The mind is simply a tool that can be effectively used by either the ego or the Higher Self.  The mind is frequently associated only with the ego, but only because the ego almost constantly occupies center stage in our minds. The mind has therefore been tainted with inferiority because it is so frequently seen in association with the ego. 

In most people, it is only during brief interludes that our Higher Self ever gets an opportunity to use our minds.  Thus, a superficial inquiry into these relationships between the mind, ego and Higher Self leaves us to believe that the Higher Self is not involved with the mind at all.  During fleeting epiphanies or revelations, we get flashes of insight that transcend the capacity of our mind.  The mind then begins one of its jobs by digesting that insight in order for us to be able to communicate it into the minds of others. 

In the Great, Grand Plan of Creation, the mind was created/designed to analyze and synthesize (left-brain/right-brain) information in particular ways.  These Lemurian Principles of Intelligence are simply the labels and explanations for how these particular mental approaches process and lead us to understand information.  Additionally, the Lemurian Principles of Wisdom are tools for effectively applying that information in order to achieve particular, desired results.

Yes, more is available!  But to most effectively apply that which is made available to us, we must wisely and purposefully use these universally applicable, Lemurian, mental tools.  When we use the Lemurian Principles of Intelligence and the Lemurian Principles of Wisdom with loving intention and aligned purpose, we can maximize our contributions as lightworkers to the unfoldment of the scheduled, planetary experience of Universal Oneness, The Golden Age, Nirvana, Shangri La, Shambala, Paradise, Heaven on Earth….

#3 State of the Union Address to Your Body Kingdom

An AOutside-the-box@ Article by Joe Zug
Copyright © 2006, Joe Zug, Mind Skills Institute, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT

Recently, on one of my regular walks, I was prompted to speak to the entire host of intelligent entities that live in and constitute my physical body.  As this article unfolds, you might want to consider making a formal  address to the constituent members/citizens of your body-kingdom. 

These intelligent entities are “organ”ized into gatherings at various levels of complexity to accomplish various purposes or functions in your body.  They range from the subatomic gatherings, to gatherings of atoms, of molecules, of cells, to form tissues, organs,  systems....  They individually and as groups obey the DNA code of instructions for their various behaviors.  Yes, it is through their individual intelligence that they are capable of obeying instructions from a higher order or higher entity such as yourself, the King/Queen of your bodily Kingdom/Queendom.

These inner entities, members or citizens of your kingdom operate much as the serfs/peasants in a castle owned by the Lord of the castle.  They each contribute their specialized talents to the communal effort that supplies the needs of all of themselves as well as their Lord’s needs.  You, as the Lord of the castle or your body-kingdom, supply them with needed resource materials and protection.  This symbiotic system of interrelationships between the constituents/citizens and the owner is what enables the continuing life and stability of the “kingdom” – whether it is a castle or your own physical body.

How long has it been since you called a meeting of the constituent members/citizens of your body-kingdom and addressed them?  Have you ever thought about thanking them for their resolute obedience to the instructional code in your DNA?  Have you ever made specific requests for changes, repairs or reversals in some of their functioning?  Have you ever made them aware of changes in your plans for your life?  Have you ever included them as essential resources or contributors to these changed plans?

Well, that is what distilled in my mind in a mere moment as I began my walk that day.  I just began to talk out loud to these intelligent beings that comprise my body kingdom.  As I did, I became increasingly aware of how dependent I literally am upon their consistent obedience to their programmed guidelines found in the DNA of every cell in my body.  I realized how I had completely ignored their significant contributions, how much I had taken them for granted, how ungrateful I had been.  I realized that without their cooperation, I could be incapacitated and would not be able to accomplish my intended life-purposes.  I realized that I, with them, are a team and my life’s work is a team effort.  It is with this series of realizations that I began to speak more consciously to them.

I began by expressing my heart-felt gratitude for their devotion, steadfastness, cooperation, contributions, etc. for my well being.  I thanked them for specific instances of their repairs and healings of my bodily injuries and illnesses throughout my life.  As these instances came to mind, I became even more thankful to them.

I then began to praise them for the beauty of their complex performances and cooperative interrelationships with each other.  I experienced awe as I became more conscious of the myriad of activities that they had been uninterruptedly performing throughout my lifetime.

I recounted the joint experiences of our shared relationship throughout this lifetime.  I cited our various accomplishments and the state that we are now enjoying.  It then occurred to me to inform them about my recent intentions to devote all of my energies to shifting my being into a higher level of consciousness and service.  I was reminded that ascension to any next-level is a holistic endeavor and that these intelligent beings, as part of my physical body, must be included in my intentions.

I spoke aloud (no one was anywhere near me on the trail) to the constituent members/citizens of my body kingdom and I declared my intentions to embark on a whole new level of commitment and service.  In the context of this “state of the union (of my body and being) address,” I recounted their obedient, past performances and my deep gratitude to them for their support.  I even apologized for not having previously acknowledged their loyal services.  I then informed them that, as their leader, I had recently made a dramatic declaration to function at a whole new level and I now required their cooperation. 

It became clear that their elevated contributions would be essential to the success of my new commitment.  I then appealed to them to also shift in their level of commitment and enthusiasm for the united task ahead for our team or kingdom.  I realized that upon achieving my intentions, they would obviously be present with me and that without their contributions, I would not have that experience at all.

I requested that they energize themselves to a new level of activity.  And that they rejuvenate my physical systems, organs, glands, tissues, cells, etc. and restore them to levels of health and functioning that I had enjoyed many years ago.  I directed them to heal specific aspects of my body that are not now functioning at their former or optimal level of health.  I commanded that they restore the 10 dormant strands of my 12 strands of DNA that would activate my capacities and raise my vibrational frequency so that I might ascend.  I declared how essential this healing/restoration was to the achievement of my life purpose.  I cited how significant to me and to others it would be that my contract be fulfilled as intended.  In exchange for this contribution, I committed to supply the intelligent beings in my body with more healthful foods, activities, environments, etc.

After 30 minutes of walking and talking aloud, I had reached my accustomed turnaround point.  In effect, I then stepped down from the podium from which I had made this address and entered my 4th dimension reality.   It was as if I were a different person now.  I was overwhelmed at the download that had just been delivered by “me,” through me, to “me.”

Well, you get the idea.  Without my recounting every aspect of my “state of the union address” and my new commitment, you can recognize that there was a very open communication with these intelligent entities and an acknowledgment and inclusion of them in my raised level of consciousness. 

Can you envision yourself setting up such a walking address and communicating in a similar fashion with the intelligent and dutiful citizens within your physical body-kingdom?  I really encourage you to actually do this “outside-the-box” exercise and then enjoy a whole new sense of “team” and “who you really are.”

#2 Enlightened Ideas for Blessing Food

An “Outside-the-box” Article by Joe Zug
Copyright 2005, Joe Zug, Mind Skills Institute, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT


At your thanksgiving holiday feast, whom will you be thanking for the foods before you?  Yes, we traditionally, customarily and habitually thank God.  This article offers an expanded insight into this custom as it integrates a definition of God that is relatively new to the Western world.

As I used the technique of “scrutinizing the obvious” regarding the foods we eat and the benefits to our bodies, I uncovered far more than I expected.  The most surprising and significant unfolding to me was that of a profound appreciation for the relationship of oneness between ourselves and the smaller intelligent beings within ourselves and within “all that is.”

At the dinner table some people have a custom, habit or ritual of “blessing the food” or “saying grace,” especially on religious holidays and at family gatherings.  These prayers range from being memorized recitations to spontaneous expressions.  They typically focus on phrases of thanksgiving or gratitude to God for providing the food.  They also typically seek God’s blessing that the food will nourish the bodies of those who eat it.

Is it possible that the original intention or purpose of this custom was much more specific and that specific purpose has been lost in the process of being passed down through the generations?  
In the relatively recent shifts in both science and religion, new contexts have emerged that may reveal that original intention involved in the custom of blessing food. That is the focus of this article.

In science, quantum physics has recently been popularized by PBS television in its presentations of “The Power of Intention” by Wayne Dyer and the documentary, “The Elegant Universe.”  Quantum physics is also the core idea in the movie, “What The Bleep Do We Know?”  It is now understood that quantum particles, the units smaller than atoms, are directly influenced by human intention. 
In religion, or more correctly, in the realm of spirituality, there is an increasing number of people who have shifted their definition of God.  God is increasingly viewed as being, existing or dwelling within the physical form of every created thing.  This view has been long held by Native American Indians, Buddhists and followers of other Eastern religions.  In other words, God is “all that is.”

You may now find in the custom of blessing food an opportunity to apply the recent enlightenment about quantum particles, light, energy, love and vibrational frequencies and about the increasingly popular insight that God is “all that is.”

Please consider the value of the points (#1-23) offered in the introductory materials immediately below.  Following that introduction are some enlightened ideas (#24-37) for “blessing food” that incorporate these points.  Please note that these observations do not in any way diminish my level of awe, honor or respect toward God, the Divine Creator.  Neither is it my purpose to have you change your level of honor, respect or awe toward God.  If you hold a different definition of God, I invite you to avoid condemning this one until you have gathered sufficient information to fairly pronounce judgment.

1.      There is a grand design that God, the Divine Creator, used in creating the Earth.  It approximates God’s revealed technique of gradually proceeding “...line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little....”  Thus, God uses an evolutionary process.

2.      God’s creative, grand design includes a wide variety of systems that each operate as “predetermined sequences of events that are repeatedly performed to create a desired result.”

3.      Each of these systems are cycles that interact and support the functioning of each other.  These systems include the recycling of air, water, biological life (plant and animal) and inert substances.  These system-cycles are fueled by the energy of the Sun and its stored heat in the core of the Earth, manifesting their power in the jet stream and seasonal weather changes. 

4.      These interacting elements operate in ways that result in a stabilized Earth, reflecting harmony, balance and unity or oneness.  In fact, these systems operate as self-perpetuating motions.  God actually created the perfect, perpetual motion machine that man has only dreamed of creating.  However, it is man through ego, selfishness and ignorance who has sabotaged these cooperative interactions practiced by all other aspects of God’s creation.

5.      A shift in human consciousness from a self-centered, ego focus to one of universal appreciation and cooperativeness is essential to elevate man to a state of harmony, balance and oneness with “all that is” or God.

6.      Higher consciousness suggests a need for a more insightful appreciation of each of Earth’s other intelligent inhabitants, both large and small.  Inasmuch as all non-human inhabitants are completely cooperative components of creation, we would do well to learn from them.

7.      Genetic research as revealed that there is a DNA code within the nucleus of every cell in every living creature and that it operates as a blueprint.  That blueprint or code determines the purpose and general behavior of that creature and every level of the intelligent entities that exist as cooperating components within it.

8.     This obedient intelligence exists within every subatomic quantum particle, electron, proton and nucleus of every atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, system, etc. within all plants and animals on the Earth.

9.      At each respective level these intelligent beings seem to have two, DNA-defined functions: 1) to respond to the part of the genetic code that applies to them and 2) to gather with specific other entities at their level to form a new entity that performs a more complex purpose.  Eg. atoms gather with other atoms to form molecules, that gather with other molecules to form cells, etc.  In doing so, they each “fill the measure of their creation.”  Their participation in this evolutionary process creates eternal progression.

10.    Thus, these intelligent, subatomic beings while obedient to their DNA code are also creative beings that gather and synergetically create a new entity that is more complex and, therefore, more capable than themselves. 

11.    A grain of corn, through this evolutionary process, manifests itself with its unique shape, color, weight, water content and nutrient composition as a result of each level of its component parts having obeyed their own level of DNA law.  At maturity, the corn will have gathered from the soil different nutrients than those gathered by the tomato or carrot planted nearby in the same soil.  Thus, each vegetable uniquely serves the needs of the animal that eats it.

12.    Within God’s grand design of all creation, that small grain of corn, and all of the levels of intelligent entities within it, contributes to the harmonious and balanced operation of “all that is.” It contributes by gathering unique nutrients that are needed by higher life forms in the food chain.

13.    Everything is energy.  Both the tangible and the intangible, the manifest and the unmanifest are energy.  Each energetic form is expressed and differentiated by its unique vibrational frequency.  Thus, even thoughts have a unique, vibrational frequency.   

14.   Each garden vegetable, as a Sun-powered, biological unit, gathers nutrients with unique energetic vibrations and stores them in its uniquely shaped and colored form until they are eaten by an animal or a human being.

15.    Animals and human beings digest these vegetables by breaking down their cellular structures and releasing the stored nutrients.  These subatomic-sized particles are then distributed to and assimilated by the various organs and tissues to which they are best suited.

16.    Human beings are, therefore, very literally dependent upon the obedient, gathering behavior of all other life forms that exist in the food chain below them.  All life forms began at the level of these smaller intelligent beings and have creatively evolved over time by their gatherings as increasingly complex life forms.  Thus, we have come into existence and thus we continue to exist as the most complex of all of creation’s life forms.  Our existence is directly served by these simpler intelligent forms of life both within and outside our bodies.

17.    In the context of eternal perspective, should not we humans have great appreciation and gratitude to God for the grand design that provides, as cited above, for our life and our personal health?  Should we not also have great appreciation and gratitude directly to the intelligent life forms at all levels, both within and outside our bodies, as they continue to dutifully perform their own life missions in our behalf?

18.   Are we not beneficiaries of essential gifts from those intelligent life forms ranging from the level of quantum particles to the steer who has a part of its left hind leg now on our plate?  Yes, with higher consciousness, we can readily recognize our direct dependence on all those intelligent beings below us in the food chain.

19.    Since human beings are seemingly at the top of the food chain, what then is our responsibility – our contribution to the next level of progression?  Religions teach that we are to “glorify God.”  Since glory is light, are we then responsible to give light back to God who is “all that is” who began all of creation with the statement, “Let there be light.”  Is this the “one eternal round” referred to in the scriptures.

20.    The purposeful gatherings practiced by all creatures are really gatherings of light.  In that context, are we human beings also then responsible for gathering light by “seeking further light and knowledge” and then for sharing it?

21.    In a physical sense, all living creatures are dependent upon the light from the Sun for the process of photosynthesis that grows the plants that are eaten by animals that are eaten by humans.

22.    To eat plants or animals or products from them is to gather increasingly condensed levels of sunlight.  (Remember the scriptural references to milk and meat in Jesus’ metaphors about feeding lambs, sheep and shepherds. Were these metaphors not offered in this same context?)

23.    The “Good Shepherd” or Son of God is represented to also be a source of light and truth.  Our role, as human beings, seems to be to gather this kind of light and become “enlightened beings” and thus “fill the measure of our creation.” As we become beings of light, do we not thereby, “glorify God” by becoming like God and fulfilling God’s original intention of progression?


24.    Traditionally, we thank God for our food.  In the context of the ideas in this article, we thank our food directly.  We do so because we view our food as a part of “all that is.”  Since God is “all that is,” our food is also a part of God.  Through the points cited above, we recognize an intelligent, obedient and creative aspect within each of the foods that we eat.  Our foods are not just the product of God’s creation.  Our foods are also participants in their own creation process.  In fact, the food item itself is the Creator or gatherer of what we now prepare to eat.  Our prayer is our expression of gratitude to our foods for their efforts in our behalf.

25.    In God’s grand design, every aspect of creation is an essential member of the team that operates God’s intended program of evolution or eternal progression.  Everything participates in the creation of the next level of evolution in which everything participates.  We are literally all one. This prayer is a way of honoring some of our fellow team members for their contributing sacrifices.

26.    Gratitude is the focal point of the prayer of blessing upon food. 

27.    Gratefulness is expressed to God/Source/the Universe/Divine Creator/All that is/etc. for the grand design that provides for our very life and its continuation.
28.    Gratefulness is expressed to each of the food items for their obedience to their law or DNA code and for their gifts to us of specific nutrients that they each have dutifully gathered. 
29.    Our admiration for their dutiful and detailed natures and performances spills over into a powerful sense of love, appreciation, respect, honor, awe, etc. These emotions engender in each of us a convincing sense of connectedness or oneness with “all that is.”

30.    To some extent the environments in which our food elements were grown were depleted and/or contaminated.  It is appropriate to restore our foods to their designed perfections.  We do this by enveloping and permeating all of the foods on the table with Divine Light and Love.  We then bless/command/invite our foods to raise each of their unique vibrational frequencies to the level of perfection.  Thus, we use prayer to influence the quantum particles through our stated intentions.  Now we understand why and how prayers, throughout history, have been able to generate requested results.

31.    In our prayer, gratitude is expressed to and for each human being who has contributed to getting these food items to their present form and location.  Many people have been instrumental on the path of our food from farm to market to table.  It is our desire for those people to feel, at this moment, our personal appreciation for their contributions.

32.   While in this frame of mind, also remember and thank those who invented, manufactured and delivered all of those tangible devices used in growing, harvesting, transporting and preparing your food.  (Yes, you might starve to death if you fully do this while at the table, so consider doing this more completely during other times of meditation and prayer.)

33.    Notice the feeling of reverence for “all that is” that wells up within you as you consider these points.  Notice your emotion of utter gratitude for your cherished position as an evolved human being who now can see and experience the benefits/blessings/contributions of so many of God’s other intelligent creatures.

34.    Now, welcome the gifts of these various levels of light and vibration into your body-kingdom.  Make known to the food items that they are gratefully welcomed by all of the levels of intelligent beings (cells, molecules, tissues, organs, systems, etc.) within your body-kingdom.  Visualize the atmosphere of celebration within your body-kingdom as the new entities and their gifts are welcomed, introduced, distributed and assimilated. 

35.    Expand your usual feelings of hunger before you eat and satisfaction afterward.  Notice how these intentional feelings elevate upon personifying the components within our foods and within our bodies.  Is not their intelligent existence a reality rather than just a fantasy?  Is this acknowledgment and appreciation not an important, although ignored, aspect of eating?  Does not the custom of blessing our food before we eat it renew our bonds with our fellow team mates on Planet Earth and remind us of the reality of our oneness with “all that is?”

36.    Relate to the food items your awareness of how dependent you are upon each of them for their contribution.  Express how you, as a combined body/mind/spirit being, could not make your unique contribution to “all that is”and “fill the measure of your creation” without their gifts.

37.    Promise the food items that their sacrifices of themselves and their gifts will not have an end in being assimilated into your body.  Promise them that through you and your life mission their contributions will continue to exist and serve the highest good of “all that is.”

38.    Close your blessing on the food with a general statement of gratitude and do it in the nature (not in name only) of the “Christed” one who continually exists within your being as who you really are.

Author’s Comments:

As I used the technique of “scrutinizing the obvious” regarding the foods we eat and the benefits to our bodies, I uncovered far more than I expected.  The most surprising and significant unfolding to me was that of a profound appreciation for the relationship of oneness between ourselves and the smaller intelligent beings within ourselves and within “all that is.” 

While this article is copyrighted, I do encourage you to share it with others who might appreciate it.  In the future I will create an audio tape/CD that accompanies and expands upon this article.  I welcome your ideas and suggestions related to this project.

#1 Cleansing the Tarnished Reputation of the Mind

An “Outside-the-box” Article by Joe Zug
Copyright 2006, Joe Zug, Mind Skills Institute, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT

Yes, I am basically left-brained.  That means that I use my mind to articulate detail more so than do typically right-brained people.  This just means that this is my strength that I was endowed with before my birth into this incarnation.  This article is in no way offered as a personal defense of my own tendency to value the mind.  The intention of this article is to back off in perspective and objectively view the mind as the “observer” referred to in the movie, “What The Bleep Do We Know?”  I invite you to join with me in this consideration of the rightful place of the mind.  It will be most helpful if you are able to open your mind and relax its judgmental tendencies as well as any previously developed prejudices you may now hold regarding the mind.

The human mind is actually just a tool.  As with any tool, its value comes from the works it is capable of producing while being used by some human being.  Any tool in the hands of a novice is usually a disaster just waiting to happen.  Any tool in the hands of a master craftsman is a beauty to behold as it is skillfully used to create or repair something.

You probably remember the song, “In the Master’s Hands.”  The song’s story line begins with an old violin being sold to the public at an auction.  After seeking and getting little interest in the violin, the auctioneer invites an old gentleman to step up and play something on it.  As he does, he releases from it some of the most melodious sounds that the audience had ever imagined.  Afterward, the auctioneer resumes with enthusiastic invitations for bids that begin at much, much  higher numbers.  The point: The violin, the tool, became much more valued when it was observed in the master’s hands – one capable of using it as originally intended.

In current spiritual and/or New Age circles, the mind is almost exclusively referred to as a synonym for the ego.  It is reasonable to make this mistake based on the reality that the ego is constantly attempting to occupy the center stage of the mind.  Since the ego fears ever losing control of the mind and it is always occupying it, it is natural to attribute “guilt by association” to the mind for all of the attitudes and behaviors of the ego. 

As a tool only, the mind is actually benign or neutral.  As with any tool, it can be used by whoever occupies it to create or repair something or it can be used to damage or destroy something.  It can promote or prevent.  It can emphasize either the positive or the negative.  The attitudes and intentions of the holder determine the application and then the reputation of the tool.  This is the point being made by the bumper stickers that say, “Guns don’t kill – People do.”  Thus we see that the mind when occupied by the ego behaves like and advances the agenda of the ego.  No wonder that the mind has the reputation akin to that of the ego.

The mind, as a tool, can just as well be used by the higher self to advance its agenda.  Take careful note at this point to distinguish between the uses of the mind as employed by the ego and by the higher self. 

Remember that the ego arises in our early years in each of our incarnations for the purpose of providing us with protection from things and situations that we fear based on our perceptions.  The ego uses the mind to identify and apply rational, left-brained thoughts for providing this protection.  Ego is actually a mindset or belief system that eventually and always personifies itself into a child/“boy” much like the wooden puppet, Pinocchio. Upon our mortal death, the ego disappears. 

Our higher self has always and forever existed and it will continue to do so into infinity.  As a particle of God, the higher self is infinite in its existence by definition.  The higher self never competes with the ego.  It just patiently waits for the ego to relax and release it command of the mind.  Such times tend to be rare.  Rather than protection from things feared, the higher self is devoted to experiencing and enjoying new, different and “better” possibilities.  It is through its direct connection to God that it receives and transmits to us flashes of insight, inspiration, revelation and discovery.  Such communications come in the space of only a moment in time, yet they may be quite complex.  The higher self experiences these communications with an instantaneous, complete comprehension that does not involve the mind.  It is after such spiritual down-loads that the higher self uses the mind as a tool for relating the information to this three-dimensional world and to other people who live in it. 

By remembering some of your personal experiences of receiving ideas and information that you know you had never thought of, read about or been told by others, you can verify this reality about how the higher self communicates with us.  Note also that it is not the same instant, inner knowing by which you received such information that you then explain what you received to others.  It is your mind that you use as a tool for translating the instant down-load into examples, metaphors, sequences, applications, etc. that other human minds can understand.  It is by the use of your mind that you begin to plan, organize, implement and evaluate the new information.  You question, categorize, compare, contrast, test and experiment with the new information in order to associate and integrate it with the present day world of time and space. 

The physical world is so unlike the higher realm to which you had access during the moment of the down-load.  Interfacing with the physical world is one of the things for which the mind was designed.  There is always a higher purpose for our having received these insights.  To not use the mind to physically benefit from the down-loaded gifts from God is actually an affront to God/our higher self.

Thus, the higher self can and does make positive uses of the mind.  These uses are in stark contrast to those negative uses employed by the ego.

Another positive use of the mind by the higher self occurs in one form of meditation (I call it contemplation rather than meditation when done this way).  When you set an intention to explore or contemplate a particular issue or get an answer to a particular question during a given meditation, you are obviously using the mind.  You intentionally or consciously ask questions, consider options and a host of other mental considerations in this process.  It is our intentional seeking for an answer that invites our higher self to move its answer into our consciousness.  Such seeking evidences our readiness.

Similarly, we can make an assignment to the higher self, just before we go to sleep, to find a solution to a vexing problem or to direct us in achieving a particular goal.  It is the higher self that searches, finds and presents the solution usually upon waking in the morning.  Yet, it is the mind that must be used to identify and clarify the problem or the specific goal we want to achieve.

In conclusion, we must remember that regarding the mind – “It ain’t all bad.”  We do actually live in a three-dimensional, physical world that is far different from the world we seek to ascend into and from which we now receive our inspirations.  Our mind is the unique tool we have been given to enable us to function in this world and to translate and integrate the gifts of information from the world beyond.  How, without the mind would we ever be able to transfer our insights to others and thereby serve them and promote Universal Oneness.  In its ideal applications the mind is used to identify whatever we want from the world beyond and to then understand, communicate about and implement it into this world.

P.S.  I acknowledge that this article addresses this issue of the mind only from the perspective identified in the last paragraph.  I also acknowledge that there are likely levels of awakening beyond my experience that do not require as much, if any, use of the mind.  What is offered herein is intended for the great number of those who are now coping with the challenges of this physical world as they continue to seek their next level of awakening.

General Articles -- Introduction

Based on the Mission Statement on the home page menu of the website,, we desire to support those on the path of Ascension.  This desire is supported by offering free, spiritually oriented articles for viewers to download and forward to their friends.  New articles will continue to be added to our archives. 

Many of these articles were originally published as issues in my “Outside-The-Box Newsletter” or as materials provided in various workshops that I present.  

The common essence of these articles is the result of my use of four of the “30 Principles of Intelligence” – Perspective, Pattern, Questioning and Labeling.  My use of the 30 channeled principles has spawned the development of the newsletter, the books/booklets and the workshops offered on this blog.

#2 21 Mental Manifesting Practices

1.      DESIRE B To crave, wish or long for something.  To choose and then to seek progression  to higher and better experiences.  An emotional feeling, attraction, appeal or Aflirt@ in response to the same from something or someone else.  Your level of desire determines the level of internal power you commit to your manifesting goal.  It also determines the speed, quality and quantity of the achievement of your results.

Strongly focus your mind upon only what you do desire rather than what you do not desire.  Recognize and accept your desires as messages to you from your soul, Higher Self  or God-self within.

2.      ATTRACT B To draw or pull yourself and something else toward each other.  Desire, love and expectation are the emotional, mental powers that attract things on which they are focused.  Likes attract likes B positives attract positives and negatives attract negatives.  AWhatever you focus on expands.@  AGIGO B garbage in; garbage out.@  ABirds of a feather flock together.@

Focus your attention on whatever you desire to attract and expect it to become manifested in reality.  Love and become one with that which you seek to attract.  Become emotionally committed to being, doing or having that which you desire.  Participate in the Law of Circulation and the Law of Multiplicity through your attracting efforts.

3.      INTEND B To have a mental purpose and a plan regarding something.  To have an Ainward tendency@ toward a particular desire.  Inertia within your mind.  To have focused, mental attention.  To have a conscious goal.  To mentally pursue a conscious outcome with a positive expectation.

Succinctly clarify what you intend to be, do or have.  Move whatever you seek into a position of priority in your consciousness.  Mentally commit yourself to achieving your desired outcome.  Frequently dwell on it in detail with emotional feelings.

4.      BELIEVE B To accept something as being true.  To become attached to an idea.  To be and live like or in harmony with a personally adopted idea.  Beliefs create boxes that have borders, boundaries and barriers.  We have access to only that which is within our personal, belief-built boxes.  AAll things are possible to him that believeth.@

Personally adopt and become attached to the idea that you will manifest whatever you desire.  Become very clear about the compatibility of a new belief with the pool of beliefs that you have already accepted as your standards for living your life.

5.      THINK B To consciously consider/evaluate/ponder an idea.  To think is to experience consciousness in the present moment.  To think both internalizes and radiates the considerations being contemplated.  AAs a man thinketh in his heart; so is he.@  Your thoughts operate as commands to the quantum particles throughout the Universe.

Think positive thoughts all the time about whatever you desire to manifest.  Plant and cultivate in your mind only the kinds of thoughts that you desire to grow and harvest.    

6.      PERCEIVE B To intuitively associate an idea with some previously chosen set of beliefs.  A personal interpretation regarding whatever one is considering.  Your particular mind-set of beliefs in your brain=s Reticular Activating System operate as a filter for including or excluding new ideas from your memory bank.  AFired and wired@ means that electrochemical signals in your brain cause memories to be locked in with the particular emotional perception with which they were accepted.

Consciously seek out only the positive possibilities for whatever you desire to manifest.  See and interpret only the best of possibilities in the events and circumstances occurring in your life.  Live your life in the knowingness that Aall is well@ and that everything is leading to your Ahighest good.@

7.      EXPECT B To completely believe that a particular outcome will become manifested.  To consciously anticipate a particular outcome. To hold an inner certainty about a possible future event.  AMy expectations are my perceptions about the future.@

Literally expect that your desire will become manifested.  Avoid stressed focusing.  Go to a relaxed mental state of knowing you have a Adone deal.@  Imagine that your desired outcome is really going to occur.  Assume its arrival is certain as in; AThe check is actually in the mail.@

8.      THANK B To express gratitude as the recipient of something from God or another.  Thankfulness is an essential contribution to the flow in the Law of Circulation.  Gratitude has a powerful influence upon the Universe of quantum particles.

ABe thankful in ALL things.@  Notice that which is already in your cup rather than lament what is not yet there.  Thank in advance for whatever you are now manifesting.  Allow yourself to emotionally feel gratitude for your already manifested outcome.

9.      IMAGINE B To create an Aimage in@ your mind of something not yet made real.    Imagination is one of the grand keys of human mental experience involved in manifesting.  Imagination is the creative expression of one=s own God-self.

Intentionally and consciously imagine being, doing or having whatever you desire.  Do so in vivid detail.  Pay most attention to your positive feelings during such imaginary experiences.  AIt makes you wonder doesn=t it.  If thoughts can do this to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us.@ (A quote from the movie, AWhat The Bleep Do We Know?@)

10.  REMEMBER B To consciously or unconsciously restore to consciousness a previously stored thought or experience.  To put back or review the members or component parts of something in their original place.  To mentally dwell upon past, positive events in your life.

Remember your past successes that were or were not similar to achieving what you now desire to manifest.  Remember how many other people have achieved similar successes.  Remember how many others are receiving the very thing you seek even today.  Remember that what you now seek is very possible.   Remember that you have just as much right to successful manifestations  as anyone else.  Remember that Aa lot can happen@ in a very short time.

11.   RE-FRAME B To re-create (imagine/perceive) a previous, negatively experienced event as a positively experienced event.  That event is thereafter remembered as a positive memory.  Remember that the mind cannot distinguish between a memory of an actual event and an imagined event.  Re-imaging your past, negative experiences will transform them.

Select a memory of a negative experience that currently limits you in your life.  Release your emotional addictions/attachments/habits that restrict your progress.  Intentionally spill the negative in order to fill your mind with the positive.  Replace the former, negative standards of evaluation set up in your brain=s Reticular Activating System (RAS).  Imagine and perceive the memory differently with a positive outcome for all involved.  Attach positive emotional feelings to your re-framed experience.  Remember and review your re-framed memories often.
12.   SPEAK B To vocalize words to communicate thoughts.  Such speaking includes both your self-talk and your conversations with others.  Your spoken words also operate as commands to the quantum particles throughout the Universe. 

Change your language to change what you attract into your life!  Choose to talk only about positive ideas and outcomes.  Monitor your choice of ideas, events and words and remove all negative ones from your language.  Make this a priority in your manifesting efforts.

13.    GIVE B To give to others that which you desire for yourself.  The process of your giving to others saturates your own mind with the attitudes and feelings associated with a completed manifestation of the very thing you seek for yourself.  Your sending out that which you seek (ACast thy bread upon the waters...) stimulates the Law of Multiplicity to return that thing back to you in multiples (A...that it may return unto you an hundred fold.@).  AGive to get.@ ADo unto others as you would have them do unto you.@

Emotionally role-play your interactions with the other person as you congratulate them upon discovering that they have just received the thing they have been seeking.  Genuinely feel what you would feel in such a situation.  Script a variety of ways and their related verbal expressions that you can see yourself communicating to your friend.  Do this exercise frequently and with a high level of feeling and imagination. 

14.  ABANDON, FORSAKE, RELEASE, YIELD, SURRENDER, SUBMIT B To sever your attachments or addictions to any attitudes/beliefs/habits that prevent you from progressing toward your potential and your life purposes.  To demonstrate your shift from an ego-based  mindset to an alignment with the standards of your Higher Self.  You cannot move ahead in your life while retaining connections to your old, negative emotional addictions.  AYou cannot put new wine in old skins.@  AYou cannot put a new patch on an old garment.@  You cannot eliminate these old attachments/addictions by focusing on them.  You can only rid yourself of them by ignoring them while you focus on their positive replacements as your new standards of internal (RAS), mental evaluation. 

Consciously notice your old, negative emotional addictive thoughts whenever they appear on the screen of your mind or whenever you hear yourself speaking them.  Notice your subtle feelings of regret and remorse when you do.  Immediately remember your firm commitment to align yourself, as ego, with your Higher Self.  Consciously choose positive thoughts and language and recommit to using them in the future. 

15.   ALIGN - To unify, synchronize, balance, harmonize your conscious/ego desires with the desires of your Higher Self, soul or God.  Such alignment is identical with the Aoneness@ spoken of in the scriptures as the ultimate objective of human experience.  Unaligned desires demonstrate a conflict or war with God and God=s purposes.

Constantly monitor your thoughts and language and shift them into alignment with the idea of contributing to or creating the Ahighest good for all that is.@  Frequently ask yourself, AWhat would my Higher Self do in this situation@?

16.  ALLOW B To consciously and subconsciously permit yourself to experience the positive results of your manifesting efforts.  To remove the sentry within your RAS that has previously prevented you from having this successful experience.

Give yourself permission to be an effective manifester and to have the positive results of your manifesting efforts.  Remove your doubts and your tendency to doubt.  Notice and abandon all of your former, negative reactions you have used whenever positive opportunities have presented themselves.  Permit the changes that you say you desire.  Allow yourself to be, to do and to have more and better experiences B beginning right NOW.

17.   ACCEPT B To both consciously and physically receive, as owner, the thing you have manifested.  To welcome, include and integrate that which you have been seeking into your life.  To feel relaxed and comfortable with this new experience.  In secular law, title of ownership transfers at the moment of acceptance/receipt by the buyer.

Do those things required to actually receive whatever you have manifested.  Acceptance occurs at both the conscious and physical levels.  Manifesting is not 100% magic; it requires obvious and logical efforts on your part.  Also quit doing those last-minute, self-sabotaging things that you have always done to prevent yourself from receiving whatever you have manifested.

18.   ASK B To mentally and vocally make requests for assistance in your eternal quest to evolve. To intentionally identify what you don=t know that you do need to know and to then request such information from those who can help you.  Your requests should always be focused on your next level of progress rather than on some ultimate objective. Your next level is always the only relevant thing in your evolution.

Asking involves questioning either yourself or others.   Too often we look only outside ourselves for answers because of our low level of self-confidence.  Often we already know the answers and only need to question ourselves to become conscious of them.  When we ask others, we often limit our request to our mortal peers and ignore our support team in the higher realms.

You always have an opportunity to interact with evolved beings who can share information and guide you in your quest.  There are evolved beings in higher realms who have direct and general responsibilities for your personal evolution.  They are generally known as angels and guides.  You can get to know each of them and their names.  Your own soul or Higher Self, as the God within, obviously also communicates with you as you seek help.  All of those assigned to work with you are unconditionally loving and are committed to your progress at the pace and direction you select.  These supportive resources are allowed to respond only when you ask for their assistence.

Get clear about what you need to do next.  If you desire help in achieving this clarity or for any other reason, ask your guides, the angels and/or your Higher Self (God) for help.  Give them requests or assignments just before you go to sleep expecting them to respond to you in your dreams or to provide you with answers upon your awakening.  Listen for the answers and look for messages in your next thoughts, self-talk, comments you make or that others make to you, feelings in your body, events and experiences during the next day, etc.  Your inner knowing is often dismissed as the answer because you are the one thinking it and you believe answers have to be more dramatic than that.  Such is not the case!  Notice how natural it is to have an intimate connection and communication with God.

19.   SEEK B To actively search for more information and for more personal experience regarding acquiring successes in your life and shifting from ego into your Higher Self.  To devote concentrated attention to these efforts.  To be ever mindful of anything that would further your desire to be, do and have more and promote your purposes in this lifetime. To seek is to study for a purpose rather to merely read.

Study/ponder more books, magazines, websites, newsletters, etc. related to your desires to progress.  Attend more workshops, lectures and discussion groups that are supportive of your higher purposes.  Intentionally contemplate these purposes during your meditations.  Constantly fill your mind with ways to achieve the highest purposes you have for living this lifetime on Earth.

20.   KNOCK B To experiment with alternative possibilities is educational.  These Ahands-on@ efforts produce feedback in the form of personal experience that confirms their value to you. Such experiments or tests reveal what is real and thereby support our desires to move higher.

Work with a life coach, spiritual counselor or a friend to empower yourself with experiences that support the achievement of your unique objectives.  Go out of your way to have life expanding experiences.  Take risks that expose you to new and better possibilities.  Abandon all fear about change and embrace change as the essential ingredient for your intentional evolution.

Observe what you experience both within and outside your mind and body.  Observe with all of your senses.  Notice differences.  Notice your feelings, particularly unusual feelings within your body.  Your Higher Self often uses your body as a means of communicating with you.  You can establish a familiar communication method between you and your Higher Self.  As you do, your trust in these messages will build an unassailable confidence in this connection with your God like that of the prophets of old.

21.   SHIFT B To move yourself (body, mind, spirit) into a new and higher dimension, frequency and identity.  To elevate yourself to your next level in your eternal quest to evolve.  To re-align your life with the higher objectives and ultimate purposes for your existence here and now.  To assume the role of your real and higher self. To release the old self and identify with the new Self.

Allow yourself to BE different.  Assume the identify of your Higher Self.  Identify with that part of yourself more frequently until you notice that you are often living your life as your Higher Self.  Notice how much more comfort, peace and love you feel in situations that were previously considered stressful.  Notice that you are no longer looking outside yourself for answers about what you are Asupposed to@ be, do and have.  Notice that your Asupposed to=s@ are all coming from within yourself now. 

ABe still and know that I am God.@
Be still and know Athat I am.@
Be still and know.
Be still.
BE !!!