The OUTSIDE-THE-BOX Newsletter
February 21, 2011 B #81
They who joyfully march in rank and file have not yet escaped from their box.
They possess a far greater capacity than they now know.
As they listen to the voice within, they, too, will join the ranks of the free.
Egypt – The Birthplace of Two Civilizations
An AOutside-the-box@ Newsletter Article by Joe Zug
Copyright © 2010, Joe Zug, Salt Lake City, UT Subscribe at:
Egypt (the Mid-East) was the original cradle of civilization.
Egypt was the first nation to be formed by humanity.
Egypt is now the birthplace of the Rising Consciousness or “stone” that “smote the image (kingdoms of the Earth) and brake them to pieces,
became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”
(This new Kingdom “shall…consume all these kingdoms…
shall stand forever…and never be destroyed.”)
(Excerpts from Daniel 2:31-45)
Egypt was the birthplace of the first nation formed by human beings. Obviously, there was a commonly shared mindset that caused this unification of people into an effective way of living. They thrived as a new nation. It was in Egypt that Hermes (Thoth) lived and taught his profound principles that governed the physical/mental operations of the created Earth.
Egypt is now in the process of re-forming that nation and, again, is serving as a model of re-formation for all other nations as our planet and its inhabitants move into the New Age – a Golden Age.
The unique human consciousness, that birthed that first nation and established a model for the world, lives in every human being, even today. It is based in principles that guide individuals and societies in behaviors that promote civility, respect, harmony, cooperation and freedom. Moreover, the continuing result is a self-perpetuating society. Such a society is a manifestation of the “prime directive” or Eternal Objective of “The Highest Good for All That Is.”
That original Egyptian consciousness has recently emerged again in the form of the revolutions throughout the Mid-East. It was sparked by the self-immolation of one person in Tunisia, but quickly was taken up by thousands. That successful overthrow of an oppressive regime immediately spread to Egypt and surrounding nations. These revolutions have shocked the world because they are being successful in spite of expectations to the contrary. The doubters are simply not plugged in to the depth and power of this consciousness and its relevance to this particular point in history and to Mayan prophecy. Aside from prophetic fulfillment, this consciousness is based in the innate comprehension of profound principles that lie at the core of the operations of The New Earth and the New Age. This prophesied New Earth is to be the result of a dramatic shift from the nature of the old Earth, the one we have both enjoyed and endured.
The “Shift,” also known as “the transformation of consciousness,” “the Ascension,” “the Awakening,” is becoming widely expected to occur “at the end of the Mayan Calendar” or the year 2012. Given that expectation, it is certainly within reason to interpret these revolutions as occurring right on schedule.
In addition to occurring on schedule, the revolutions are aimed at removing those who abuse power. This, again, is one of the teachings associated with the unfolding of the schedule built into the patterns in the Mayan Calendar. An “ethical consciousness” is predicted to emerge and depose all individuals and institutions that are out of harmony with “The Highest Good for All That Is.” Stated another way, everything that is not in harmony with this Universal, Highest Good must either disappear or become transformed in the very near future. Awakened human consciousness cannot tolerate any behavior that is not compatible with that innately desired result.
All of humanity was once imprinted with a sense of “home” and all of the emotions and experiences it offered. That imprint occurred before we became mortal beings the first time. We all still remember that permanent imprint of “home” and have a compelling desire to return to it. That desire is stimulating individuals all over the Earth to awaken and insist on birthing a new society – a New Earth.
The quotations cited in the initial paragraph above come from the Bible. They are a part of Daniel’s interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2:31-45) and how his interpretation prophesies the events (“in the days of these [last] kings”) that we now see unfolding in Egypt and the Mid-East.
These revolutions are the embodiment or manifestation of the rising consciousness that was cited in the interpretation as “the stone cut out of the mountain without hands.” The “stone” is this currently “rising consciousness.” It rises from no single leader, book nor organization; it is simultaneously emerging from within the consciousness of individuals everywhere! This spontaneous emergence of consciousness is part of “God’s Planned Shift in Our Consciousness.”
Carl Calleman’s Mayan Calendar publications and presentations emphasize this “transformation of consciousness.” This awakening of consciousness is precipitated by the escalating radiation of creative energies coming from the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This radiation is the prime source of evolutionary influences that schedule this spiritual evolution that leads us to the planned point of personal Ascension.
The Maya understood this scheduled plan for the awakening of consciousness. Their calendars tracked and preserved for us today, “God’s planned” scheduling of those spiritually based influences. Daniel’s prophetic interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream foretold the dramatic events that we are witnessing today.
Yes, we “live in interesting times”! Prophesied times!
Each of us chose to be here and now and to participate in these events.
So, what is your role and are you engaged in it yet?
Suggestion: Make & display bumper stickers that say,
If it worked in Egypt,
It will work here!
Abuse of power is wrong
at all levels and all locations!
To be effective and in harmony with Ascension-based values, we must be valiant and values-based as we communicate our insistence upon “shifts” in the behaviors and policies of those who are currently abusing their power over the rest of us.
Our continued tolerance of abuse delays our ascension. Now is the scheduled time for our second American revolution against abuse. The first one in 1776 was quite successful. Another is now needed. Our “representatives” no longer represent us – they actually think we are stupid and they can do as they please. Our banking system robs us and mocks us. Our food and pharmaceutical industries poison us. The military-industrial-corporate complex consumes our national treasury. Religions burden us with guilt and feed us milk rather than the meat they have never tasted. And the list goes on….
Yes, there is plenty of abuse right here in America.
Anything that is not of “The Highest Good For All That Is” must disappear or transform – soon – in order for us to experience the New Earth.
Your inner voice will tell you your role in this 2nd coming of revolution to America.
Volition = “a conscious choice; an act of willing, deciding”
Revolution = “a sudden political overthrow brought about from within a given system”
Alex Hoggan and I have posted a YouTube video
on our website at (
It is an excerpt from our full, 2-hour DVD:
“2012: God’s Planned Shift in our Consciousness.”
The 2-hour DVD explaining the “stone” was published in
December of 2010,
2 months before the revolutions in the Mid-East began in
February of 2011.
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